Pregnancy Info
Genetic Screening
- Options for genetic screening will be discussed at your first visit in the office
- There are free and private pay options available
- Some tests are time-sensitive and appropriate timing will be explained by your doctor
Nausea & Vomiting in Pregnancy
Trusted information to help you manage this difficult symptom
Healthy Eating in Pregnancy
Helpful resources to make healthy food choices for you and your baby
Exercise in Pregnancy
- Physical activity is recommended throughout pregnancy
- If you have questions about certain activities, please talk to your doctor
- Here's some helpful resources:
Smoking Cessation
Quitting smoking is challenging, but it's the best choice for you & your unborn baby
Check out this program for extra help:
Prenatal Classes
We are pleased to announce that prenatal classes will be moving back to an inperson format. Come and learn from Lana Meredith, one of our fabulous maternity nurses who will walk you through what to expect during labour and delivery and leave feeling informed and empowered before the big day arrives!
Upcoming class dates can be found by clicking on the link below.
Please email directly with any questions you may have about upcoming sessions.
Birth After Cesarean Section
Most women who have had a caesarean birth can have a vaginal birth after a caesarean (VBAC) for their next pregnancy. Very few will need a caesarean birth for health reasons.
Not all parents feel comfortable with planning a VBAC. You may have heard that a repeat caesarean is safer or more common. However, both VBAC and planned caesarean may be healthy options depending on your circumstances.
'My Next Birth' assists to inform you about your options and helps you and your maternity care provider make decisions together about planning your next birth after you have had a caesarean. Please see the link below to access the decision tool.
Maternity and Parental Leave
- We get many questions about maternity leave
- Each workplace may have unique policies on benefits - please speak to your employer
- Here's some general information about EI maternity & parental benefits
Breastfeeding support
We know that breastfeeding has amazing benefits for both moms and babes but that doesn't always mean it's easy! Our wonderful lactation consultant, Corrine, is here to help support you through some the challenges that may come up when working on breastfeeding to set you and your little one up for success. Please ask your physician or speak to our front staff to book an appointment.
This is your headline
Baby's Best Chance
Useful information for pregnancy and postpartum